Post by bconley on May 30, 2009 19:29:07 GMT -5
Date: April 26 - 27, 2008
Track: Outdoor drag-strip with a three car jump, a tire pyramid, then another three car jump at the end.
Lineup: Kreg Christiansen (Iron Outlaw), Jimmy Creten (Bounty Hunter III), Sam Sturges (Unnamed & Untamed II), Dan Runte (Bigfoot XVI), Kevin King (Sudden Impact IV), Ronnie Sturges (Nasty Boy II), Darren Migues (Q-Torque Iron Outlaw)
April 26: Wheelie Contest: Ronnie Sturges Donut Contest: Jimmy Creten Freestyle: Kevin King and Jimmy Creten
If anyone has results for the second day, feel free to post them.
Notes: This is the second episode of TMB TV. Dan Runte's freestyle run on April 26 wasn't recorded due to technical difficulties.