Post by Ryan Smith on Dec 20, 2008 1:39:43 GMT -5
OK, I'll be the first to admit, I took a lax stance on this board in the last few months. I let it go to the dogs and it got overrun by spam. If it wasn't for guys like Dave3BA and Kouvre keeping this alive and getting me motivated again, I probably would have disconnected myself from it alltogether. Here's some recent changes I've made:
-Added the 2009 results board prepping for upcoming season. -Made Dave3ba and Kouvre moderators. Anyone else interested, PM me and I may take you on. -Cleaned up all the spam and the trash around the place (Most of it was taken care of by Kouvre... gotta give credit where credit is due!)
Now, for some 2009 goals: -Expand the memberbase some. Get more knowledgable people on here to contribute to our cause. -More results. We have +/- 450 now, I want to try to get to 1000 by the end of the year. -Pictures/video's. I will be, (and i encourage others to!) linking any videos I can fond on youtube, and any pictures I can find to their respective thread. -More organization. We got it seperated by years, and thats about it. I need input on this. Should I just edit the titles to have the city name first, and then set it to alphabetize automatically? Or should I create sub-boards and seperate by the promoter? Or is it fine as it is, and leave it alone? Tell me what y'all think.
Post any thoughts here as to what you want to see changed around here!
Post by dave3ba on Dec 20, 2008 13:22:21 GMT -5
I think it's most helpful to leave it by year, and then alphabetize it by city, state, then promoter, but whatever works for everyone else is fine by me.