Post by fantruck3 on Nov 27, 2007 7:46:01 GMT -5
Track - Z shape corse
Trucks - Bigfoot (Jim Kramer), Ecology Elimnator (Jim Reis), Grave Digger (Dennis Anderson), Skoal Crusher (Bobby Zee), King Krunch (Scott Stevens), AM/PM Boss (Robert Parker), Valvoline Racer (Gary Schott) & Tuff-e-Nuff (Pablo Cruz)
Reis - 21.11
Parker - DNF (Broken tie rod)
Zee - 25.03
Kramer - 18.11
Anderson - 20.17
Schott - 31.11
Stevens - 69.00
Terminator 54.16 (run not shown or talked about, but the time was listed)
(Cruz's run was not shown or a time mentioned)
Round 1
Reis over bye
Stevens over Zee (broke front end and DNF)
Anderson over Cruz (had to back-up at last turn)
Schott over Parker (engine dies after the first straight)
(Kramer broke, Terminator was not shown racing & Anderson broke a 4 link bar and was done for night)
Kramer over Stevens
Reis over Schott
Stevens (crawled over line, won and then broke) over Reis (broke on the line and then re-started. Reis proceeded to die at the end of the run again)
Notes: The shown race seems to have a lot of stuff missing. Bigfoot was said to brake and not make the race against Reis but was then said to have a bye into the 2nd round during his second round event. Monster Limo was shown making the beginning of a pass coming back from one of the commercials, but was not featured during any other part of the broadcast. Gary Schott's Terminator is shown in the starting line during the qualifying runs, but is not shown anywhere else. Gary Schott in the Valvoline racer was truck to not have problems during the show.
Trucks - Bigfoot (Jim Kramer), Ecology Elimnator (Jim Reis), Grave Digger (Dennis Anderson), Skoal Crusher (Bobby Zee), King Krunch (Scott Stevens), AM/PM Boss (Robert Parker), Valvoline Racer (Gary Schott) & Tuff-e-Nuff (Pablo Cruz)
Reis - 21.11
Parker - DNF (Broken tie rod)
Zee - 25.03
Kramer - 18.11
Anderson - 20.17
Schott - 31.11
Stevens - 69.00
Terminator 54.16 (run not shown or talked about, but the time was listed)
(Cruz's run was not shown or a time mentioned)
Round 1
Reis over bye
Stevens over Zee (broke front end and DNF)
Anderson over Cruz (had to back-up at last turn)
Schott over Parker (engine dies after the first straight)
(Kramer broke, Terminator was not shown racing & Anderson broke a 4 link bar and was done for night)
Kramer over Stevens
Reis over Schott
Stevens (crawled over line, won and then broke) over Reis (broke on the line and then re-started. Reis proceeded to die at the end of the run again)
Notes: The shown race seems to have a lot of stuff missing. Bigfoot was said to brake and not make the race against Reis but was then said to have a bye into the 2nd round during his second round event. Monster Limo was shown making the beginning of a pass coming back from one of the commercials, but was not featured during any other part of the broadcast. Gary Schott's Terminator is shown in the starting line during the qualifying runs, but is not shown anywhere else. Gary Schott in the Valvoline racer was truck to not have problems during the show.